I tried to play Hearthstone once before, but felt stupid when I couldn’t beat AI early on. Strangely, Jurassic World Alive had a bonus cash thing (I wanted to get more DNA for Owen’s raptors) if I signed up for a new account and played Hearthstone on my phone through the first six tutorial missions. I played… and wanted to play again, so I logged into my real account today.
Thus far my only real complaint is that the Monster Hunt things don’t really warn you ahead of time that you lose the entire deck if something in the challenge beats you. And it doesn’t explain why you have less HP than everything else, either. But I defeated 5/8 things in The Witchwood as the Houndmaster and then got to the sixth and got absolutely owned. I started out the first turn or two thinking I had a chance… and it very quickly was apparent I was not going to make it another two minutes! There are some interesting cards in there.
I also unlocked some new cards for my other decks – I opened Onyxia in one of those cards that you get when you complete a quest. I thought it was pretty cool but quickly googling shows most people aren’t as excited as I was. Regardless, I have nothing in my decks yet, so it’s pretty cool. I got to use her already and she really helped out in that game.