More safe picks from both teams. Both the casters and myself are getting a little bored that everyone is playing pretty safe with solid picks. I want to see something ridiculous happen!
Uzi and Meiko are playing Miss Fortune and Thresh versus Sneaky and aphromoo as Jhin and Tahm Kench. In this matchup, sneaky and aphromoo are my personal favorites, let’s see if Uzi and Meiko can pull it together like last game and bring their team a win.
Looks like Meiko goes down at 5 minutes for first blood to NA MikeYeung’s Jarvan IV. J4 leaves the bot lane with two kills to put NA ahead early.
At 15 minutes NA has 3 towers and a huge gold lead on CN and they’re taking the Rift Herald.
Sneaky quadra kills at baron at 20 minutes and now NA are working on Baron with only Xiye alive. Nope, NA secures the Baron and recalls. Sneaky almost single handedly quadra’ed with the help of Haunzter who went down. Sneaky is now 6/0/3 on Jhin and NA is in a great position to take China down this game.

Xiye tp’s into another play where he’s the only one left of his team on the map and NA gets taken down slowly to 2 alive, Sneaky and Haunzter and Xiye manages to take the two of them off guard and kill them before they can take second tier mid tower from China.
NA maintains dragon control with two cloud drakes and a mountain drake at 24 minutes as they try to reign in their last lost team fight. Nobody retained baron after that play!
NA is still 5k gold up and now secures 6 towers to 0 at about 25 minutes. It’s looking like NA has the ability to throw, but it’ll have to be a lot of mistakes all piled up for them to lose this huge lead. Don’t count China out, though, since China is famous for longer, patient games, turning around bad fights, and punishing mistakes.
Approaching 30 minutes, CN has taken three towers, but NA has taken 7, but did not manage to push down top inhibitor. NA are just about 3,000 gold up now and it does look like China’s patience might be paying off, as they’re definitely closing the gap. NA is having trouble finding a strategy for pushing and pressing their lead and the game’s sort of slowed down significantly in excitement.
33 minutes and China pulls out a quadra kill from Xiye and aces NA, rushing down mid lane to destroy NA’s inhibitor and China are pushing down the nexus turrets, and they win in the nick of time by taking down NA’s nexus! China ends Day 1 2-0 with an incredible comeback!
Last game of the day, followed by some 1v1’s, is LMS versus Korea!

Evenoh also posts on The Casual Geekery about League of Legends and other geeky stuff.