Let’s see what Faker pulls out this game. Since Fofo had such a good time with Zoe in his last game, will Faker pick Zoe away or ban Zoe from them? Or will Faker be true to his own godliness and pick whatever he fancies, regardless of what the other team does?
Oh no Zoe is left open and first picked by LMS. Looks like Faker will play Taliyah against Fofo’s Zoe. Faker, as always, cares very little for what other players might find intimidating.
Let’s see how Faker stomps all… I mean, let’s see what happens this game!
Earlier when Frozen was playing Taliyah against Fofo’s Zoe, Fofo had already taken a kill and starting to snowball. But Faker, is up in CS and pushing at Fofo, already showing a much more dominant Taliyah. He does get pushed back with a gank, losing his flash, but Faker is still situated well against Zoe early on.
LMS Karsa’s Kha’zix already got first blood on KR Cuvee’s Gnar, but by minute 8, although there’s some action bot lane and Faker’s always pushing and ahead, that remains the only kill. Every member of the KR team is up in cs, including Gorilla’s Alistar! Korea is hovering around a 1,000 gold lead and it looks like they’re setting up to win in the usual Korean style by calling cs king, making smart plays, and pushing their enemy away from objectives without giving opportunities for kills.
At 10 minutes, Faker gets ganked and Fofo gets a kill on him. Faker’s mistake was to face-check the bush and find a Kha’zix already on top of him. A control ward was not able (by game rule) to see the Kha’zix in his invisibility so Faker really just had no idea Karsa was there until he was already dying. Faker and all of KR still retain a gold lead, not quite as close to the 1000 lead they were nursing just a couple minutes earlier. Even with a death, Faker is still significantly up in cs.
Korea takes first turret at top lane, while LMS secures their fourth kill and takes down bot lane turret. Korea is still holding on to about a 500 gold lead. Korea also secured a cloud drake for themselves.
At 16 minutes, Korea is still ahead in cs, with KR Pray’s Varus up with the most signifant lead. If Pray and Gorilla can keep up their lead and get Varus really strong, that might be how Korea will pull off a win. 17 minutes, Korea takes bot lane tower while mayhem breaks out at Rift Herald, leading to Karsa securing the herald from Korea and KR’s top tower falls with the help of the Rift Herald.
Faker is now a little bit down in total gold, but Korea overall is still ahead in cs, while the gold lead has gone even between both teams. 2 towers to 2 towers, this has become a game with significant advantages for LMS.
21 minutes and LMS is 7 kills to Korea’s 0, they’re even in turrets, and even in gold. Karsa manages to 1v1 take down Faker. So at 8 to 0, Korea still has lots of tricks to pull out. Korea doesn’t necessarily need to have any kills in order to win, so they just need to stay patient and play smart, play across the whole map, which is their strongest strategy.
23 minutes and Faker is down again. Turning depressing, not going to lie. Karsa’s Kha’zix is getting ridiculous and at 24 minutes he secures top lane’s inner turret.
Karsa, 7/0/1, fails to pop over the baron pit wall with the blast cone and has to flash away, provoking a laugh from Karsa himself and all watching.
Karsa starts a play around 26 minutes in the mid lane, forcing Pray to flash away, but Korea turns and looks to pick off someone, but all players across the map survive this encounter. Fed Kha’zix nearly baited his own team to die, but miraculously nobody died.
After 28 minutes, Alistar picks up a kill and then 3 members of Korea fall. It is now LMS 14 to 1 and LMS is at Baron. LMS now has a 4,000 gold lead and is pulling far into the lead. Zoe as a champion is simply wreaking havoc alongside Kha’zix. Looks like Zoe might get banned for the rest of this event, which might just be a really smart move!

34 minutes and Alistar picks up the second kill of the game. Gorilla is probably a little disappointed that he’s got the only two kills on his team as Alistar support, but at this point, Korea needs whatever advantages they can wrest from LMS’ grasp.
Bebe loses his mind and pops way too far forward and Faker picks up a kill on him, and the play goes south for LMS at 36 minutes but it looks like that’s all Korea will manage to make happen. Meanwhile 37, minutes LMS is working on Elder Dragon, which they get because Korea refuses to contest. With Elder Dragon buff, LMS rushes into Korea’s base, lose Karsa but take down Faker, Gorilla, mid inhibitor, and some damage on the nexus turret, but are forced to leave.
At 40 minutes a fight breaks out over Baron and LMS aces Korea, to ignore Baron and simply rush in and take Korea’s nexus down. LMS takes a win, ending Day 1 at 2-0!

Evenoh also posts on The Casual Geekery about League of Legends and other geeky stuff.