Play League of Legends lately?  Have you noticed the chaos?


Even Faker has things to say about the “new meta” but what’s it like for us lesser players?  At the beginning of this year, during preseason right before the season 8 reset, I was in Gold 1.  I had just gotten to plat promos and failed them.  I have never been to platinum promos and I had never climbed so high before.  I always ended each season low gold and most of the time that was a struggle, being a Nami support main and all.  There are times when Nami is super powerful and other times when the meta shifts and I just couldn’t overcome teammates I needed to rely on being angry and giving up and feeding.  That’s on me.  However, the last months have been an agonizing downhill spiral of insanity.


Now, I can play Orianna support in a ranked game with a Syndra in bot lane, a Zyra in jungle, Aatrox top and a Brand mid lane.  And we win that.  How is this not breaking the game I loved so much?  Oh and don’t get me started on how today changes Aatrox… because totally changing champions that already exist is clearly more important than unbreaking this game.


Maybe it’s just me and I don’t like change, but I hate discovering that any random thing can work in the game now.  We’ve got pros playing whatever and all that does is give everyone stupid ideas.  I’m less interested to watch my favorite team when I know that there’s just really little “rules” to why champions work best in which role.  We don’t even need roles anymore.  Remember back in the day when it was fun to swap early and take top tower?  They made it so it started to be smarter to just send one or two bot lane to overwhelm the enemy and take the tower.  That was fine, either way.  Now it’s much more like, show up wherever because you’re playing whatever and you can play however.


It’s a sad day when Jhin and Nami are helplessly stuck under the tower for twelve minutes as everyone else is also stuck where they are because every cancerous poking champion ever is on the enemy team.


With all the new changes announced and being prepped for next season, I find myself wondering if I will still want to keep playing this game.  But then what?  I’ve spent so many years invested and I used to enjoy it so much… do I really want to stop forever?  Playing less doesn’t seem like it’ll go over well, because they’re going to split the season up and dole out rewards differently.  Not psyched to be borderless or – :gasp: – silver bordered!